Lightning Saix GX After the end of the major Helic/Guylos war general peace took over and zoid centered sports flourished. Chief among these sports were zoid battling and zoid racing. After the Lightning saix was commercialized it quickly cought on in the world of zoid races and battle alike. However through the ages high speed zoids improved as did booster technology. When the Liger Zero Jager mass produced model began to appear on race tracks one particular lightning saix pilot could take no more and set to upgrade his lightning saix into a speed demon. Learning that the frame of the zoid was far better able to handle high speeds than the heavier ligers this saix pilot quickly drew the conclusion that the lightning saix was nowhere near its stress limit and thus he began the refitting. The Lightning saix GT was his creation. The weapons were removed to lighten the load and holes were drilled in the frame, while the armor was removed entirely replaced with a light polymer shell for the sake of aerodynamics. In addition it was fitted with a set of quad flexible verniers and a pair of mini ion boosters. The quad flexible verniers were an enhanced version of the older flexible booster unit with overall more thrust while the mini ion boosters were miniaturized versions of the larger boosters found on the liger zero Jager. Finally an additional set of stabalizer fins were added to the tail for more control during turns. However the GT was not the end of the enhancements upon the Lightning Saix. With the GT being able to exceed mach 1 in a run its pilot climbed to the top of the racing circuit and finding it boring to win on technology alone he retired fromt he racing circuit and entered the world of sanctioned zoid battles. The Lightning Saix GT was refitted once more. Its frame filled in, its armor restored, and weapons returned, though accelleration suffered for it.. However a tune up of the various booster systems compensated. Thus outfitted for battle the Lightning saix GX was born boasting a pair of 50mm beam rifles and quad missile launchers in addition to the existing weapons of the saix and the upgrades of the GT.