Imperial Night Wolf Custom During the early years of the Guylos/New Helic war the command wolf was a well trusted, and highly reliable zoid platform. Guylos soldiers weren't blind to this and often took to using captured Command Wolves. It wasn't long after this that the Guylos empire reverse engineered the Command Wolf creating the Imperial Command Wolf. One Particular pilot managed to get his hands on the prototype stealth shield of the at the time in developement Helcat model. Thus the Night Wolf custom was born. In every way identical to the traditional command wolf the stealth shield gives it the capacity to make undetected strikes with more power than the smaller and weaker Helcat. Miraculously the Night Wolf survived the war and was eventualy evolved into the Nightmare Konig. To this day it still proudly displays the Guylos crest as a sign of its liniage.