Mercpion The Guylos Empire during Zepplin's and later Prozen's breif reign was fond of using mercenaries to perform missions in Republic territory without the risk involved in a millitary incursion. Among Mercenaries one zoid was more popular than any other and that was the Guysack. One particular Mercenary was called upon so frequently that his guysack was practicly considered an Imperial zoid. With service on his favored zoid often included in his payment he gained the assistance of Guylos technicians in customizations. His "Mercipion" as he dubbed it possesed roughly double the firepower of a typical guysack. It is equipped with dual 20mm Anti Aircraft guns, one 80mm laser cannon, twin 30mm cannons, and a single 70mm laser cannon, as well as cutting pincers and mandibles, twin smoke dischargers and high capacity oxygen tanks allowing the guysack to stay underground for hours on end. As well it posesses 3D radar for mapping terrain, and finding its way around when it utilizes its smoke dischargers. One final addition featured a secondary gunner cockpit on the tail. Although it isn't totally necessary the presence of a gunner can allow the weapons to be used more efficiently while allowing the Mercpion's owner to focus on piloting.