Dark Zaber SS (Slammer Special) For a breif period between the appearance of the first Blade Liger and the end of the war, Guylos engineers attempted to create an efficient counter for the blade liger. The Genosaurer being far too difficult to mass produce they turned to the trusty Zaber fang platform that had long been the Imperial answer to the Shield Liger. Although it was never employed against the blade liger the Dark Zaber SS, was constructed as a powerful melee zoid. Sacrificingits back and tail mounted weaponry the Dark Zaber gained the highly specialized Slammer Unit. The slammer unit is equiped with twin hardened alloy laser bores capable of charging up similar to the blade liger however unlike the liger the laser bores are intended for stabbing, not slicing. The Slammer unit on the back adds two boosters. The lower of which is a standard thruster which allows the zaber to match the running speed of an unmodified blade liger. The upper booster is a high output plasma booster capable of adding an additional 30kmph to the zaber's running speed over short distances. However the top booster is more than it initaly seems. It's mounted on a swiveling base giving it a full 360 degree rotation and 45 degrees of incline making it ideal for aiding manuverability. The high heat emited by this booster plus its swiveling abilities gave Guylos engineers an idea. As a lost minute add on the prototype Strike Iron Claw was fitted around this booster allowing it to grapple and hold an unfortuante enemy in front of the plasma booster discharge. Generating over 3,000 degrees Celcius almost any metal will be melted down. Though not nearly as hot as the charged particle gun it's ideal for quickly ridding enemies of their armor. Obviously the claw its self is coated in a special heat resistant material allowing it to withstand the booster's own discharge for short periods. The Dark Zaber SS was never employed in warfare but was employedby the Guardian Force years later.